
Auditory processing of cognate words in bilinguals
Tue, 05/24/2022 - 08:49

Auditory processing of cognate words in bilinguals

When English-Spanish bilinguals hear English words such as piano, radio, or dentist, words that are phonologically similar between the two languages and are known as cognate words, how will they process them? Will they be processed faster compared to words that lack phonological overlap, such as butterfly? And, if cognate words are processed faster when heard, will this advantage depend on the level of the second language and how similar the words are between the two languages?

Tests de predicción de peligros y toma de decisiones arriesgadas
Thu, 05/12/2022 - 14:13

Proof of Concept for Hazard Prediction and Risky Decision Making Tests

Cándida Castro Ramírez, researcher at CIMCYC, together with her team have constructed Danger Prediction and Decision Making tests. To do so, they have used realistic video recordings of traffic scenes. In these tests, the driver can play a passive role, such as when a pedestrian suddenly crosses the road, or an active role by making risky decisions such as running an amber light.

Doble estándar sexual: concordancia sexual, comparación diferentes culturas
Thu, 04/28/2022 - 09:25

Studies of the sexual double standard: sexual concordance and comparison in different cultures

The sexual double standard (SDS) implies men and women are being evaluated differently in terms of sexuality. CIMCYC researchers have carried out several studies concerning the SDS. They have proposed their analysis by alluding to two domains of sexual behaviors (freedom and shyness) and through different typologies of adherence (man-favorable, woman-favorable and egalitarian;)Alvarez-Muelas et al., 2021; Sierra et al., 2018).

¿Se extiende el tiempo asimétricamente hacia el pasado y el futuro?
Mon, 04/25/2022 - 14:42

Does time extend asymmetrically into the past and the future?

Algunos estudios han sugerido la existencia de una asimetría futura y han explicado que la razón de ello es que caminamos hacia delante. Cuando caminamos, las cosas que están delante de nosotros son las cosas futuras, mientras que vamos dejando atrás las pasadas. Así, al caminar podríamos sentir que cada vez nos acercamos más al futuro y dejamos atrás el pasado. En definitiva, haciéndonos percibir el futuro como si fuera más cercano a nosotros que el pasado.

Mindfulness en la salud sexual y bienestar psicológico de profesionales y cuidadores/as de personas en riesgo de exclusión social  El término mindfulness hace referencia a la atención o conciencia plena. La capacidad de tomar conciencia del aquí y el ahora en el momento presente, dirigiendo la atención a un evento interno o externo actual.  Laura C. Sánchez Sánchez, investigadora del CIMCYC, ha estudiado el efecto de un programa de Mindfulness (MBSR) en la salud sexual y bienestar psicológico de profesional
Mon, 04/18/2022 - 13:24

Mindfulness in the sexual health and psychological well-being of professionals

The term mindfulness refers to the ability to become aware of the here and now in the present moment, directing attention to a current internal or external event.
Laura C. Sánchez Sánchez, researcher at CIMCYC, has studied the effect of a Mindfulness-based program (MBSR) on the sexual health and psychological well-being of professionals and volunteers of Doctors of the World (the spanish no-gubernamental organization “Médicos del Mundo”) who take care of vulnerable populations, such as people in prostitution, women victims of forced prostitution, people with the human immunodeficiency virus, etc. This program was chosen because working with sex education for these vulnerable groups of people requires empathy, full awareness and compassion.

Exercise addiction: what is known and what is yet to be known
Mon, 04/18/2022 - 13:26

Exercise addiction: what is known and what is yet to be known

Exercise addiction involves excessive worry about exercise routines, abusive practice and the inability to control one's own behavior, as well as the presence of psychological processes that are typical of addictive behaviors such as withdrawal or obsession.

10 sencillas reglas para fomentar laboratorios de investigación saludables
Fri, 04/01/2022 - 11:24

Ten simple rules towards healthier research labs

The CIMCYC is carrying out a series of actions to improve the working environment in the center. Within these, Isabel Peralta, who collaborates from the Psychology Clinic with Humbelina Robles and Juan Manuel Quesada in activities to improve the wellbeing of doctoral students, has shared useful information for all CIMCYC research staff.