At the CIMCYC we study people's behavior and brain functioning using behavioral techniques (simple computer tasks and questionnaires), non-invasive neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging -MRI-, electroencephalography -EEG-, magnetic and electrical brain stimulation -TMS, TES-) and peripheral activity recording (ocular, cardiac, muscular, etc.). These experiments help us to better understand the brain, the mind and the individual, group and social behavior of people. The results of some of these investigations appear in the News section of our website and the center's Twitter account.
In order to carry out our studies, we need the participation of volunteers. Depending on the nature of the experiment and its duration, this participation is compensated in different ways (with travel and time costs, with participation in different types of raffles, with points in some subjects, etc.). The experiments can be face-to-face (at CIMCYC) or carried out on online platforms.
If you are interested in receiving information about the research being carried out at CIMCYC, and also to participate voluntarily, follow these simple steps:
- Go to the SONASYSTEMS platform and click on "Are you a new participant?"
- Subsequently, fill out the login form. This is accompanied by instructions, in case they are necessary.
- Once the form has been filled in, the login and password will be sent to the email address you have provided. It is important that you check the SPAM folder of your email manager.
- With these credentials you will be able to access the platform. After answering a few questions, you will see the list of available experiments.
- When you are no longer interested in participating, you can easily unsubscribe from the platform. To do so, go to your profile and click on "Delete account".
Please note that each particular study has a specific set of admission/exclusion criteria, so only those who fit each profile can participate. Please contact the researcher responsible for each study (available in the information available on the platform) with any specific questions you may have.
All studies included in the platform have been approved by the relevant Research Ethics Committee.
The SONASYSTEMS platform of CIMCYC became operational on September 1st, 2022, and will remain in testing for a reasonable period of time. Available studies will be added gradually.
You can also manage your participation in CIMCYC experiments through the SONASYSTEMS mobile app (download it at this link).
If you have any questions about how the platform works, please email us at @email