María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence

The Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC) has been awarded the María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence distinction (2024). 

This recognition, granted by the State Research Agency of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, highlights our commitment to scientific excellence and contribution to advancing knowledge in our areas of expertise. The accreditation is valid for six years. 

The accreditation as a María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence recognizes the CIMCYC as a center at the forefront of national and international science. It highlights the relevance, pertinence and impact of our research. It provides us with funding for four years to carry out a strategic program to strengthen our research, dissemination and transfer work.

The distinction underlines the impact of our research on society and our ability to attract top-level scientific talent. It recognizes us as a benchmark in the international scientific landscape and motivates us to continue working with dedication and excellence to meet scientific challenges.

    Ceremonia de entrega distinción María de Maeztu 2024
    Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu 2024 Accreditation Recognition Ceremony

    Mission and objectives

    We aim to perform excellent science at the highest international standards and contribute key knowledge, applications, and training at the intersection of mind, brain, and behavior research. We occupy a privileged position combining world-class infrastructures, excellent multi-domain research, undergraduate and postgraduate training, highly relevant knowledge transfer and crucial societal interventions. Our objectives are the following:

    • To produce basic and applied science of excellence that is open and transparent and meets the highest international quality standards.
    • To offer researchers state-of-the-art infrastructures, equipment, and high-level specialized technical support.
    • To foster synergies and collaborations between researchers from different groups and lines of research and with the national and international community.
    • To promote the transfer of evidence-based knowledge to potential applications.
    • To offer excellent training and career support to young researchers.
    • To attract and retain the best international talent.
    • To create a working environment that fosters the well-being of research groups and teams.
    • To disseminate our work, research results and psychological science in general to the lay public of all ages.
    • To use our knowledge to serve the community and improve well-being.
    • To produce science that promotes diversity and gender equality and to enhance the visibility of women scientists.

    Research Lines

    The María de Maeztu CIMCYC Unit of Excellence research lines are organized in 10 areas. Although our lines cover different topics, they are interconnected by nature.

    1. Basic cognitive functions
    2. Development
    3. Individual differences 
    4. Ergonomics
    5. Gender studies
    6. Psychology of social Inequalities 
    7. Clinical and health psychology 
    8. Clinical neuropsychology 
    9. Behavioral assessment methods 
    10. Neuroimaging and artificial intelligence


    The accreditation as a María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence is granted to CIMCYC as a whole, thus encompassing all the personnel who is a member of the center. According to the rules of the call, the unit has a Scientific Director, 6 Guarantor Researchers and an external Scientific Advisory Committee:

    • María Ruz - Scientific Director 

    Guarantor Researchers 

    • Teresa Bajo 
    • Juan Lupiáñez 
    • Miguel Moya 
    • Miguel Pérez 
    • Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón 
    • M. Rosario Rueda

    Scientific Advisory Committee 

    • Susan T. Fiske, Eugene Higgins Professor, Psychology and Public Affairs, Princeton University.
    • Antonio Puente, Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Granada (Spain), UCLA and UNC-Chapel Hill.
    • Luiz Pessoa is University Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park and Director of the Maryland Neuroimaging Center (USA).

    Hired personnel

    Ruth Maldonado Díaz - Project Manager -

    David López - Neuroimaging Data Analyst 

    María Fernanda Ramírez Ramos - Science Outreach and Transfer Officer