
Authors of the study
Mon, 06/17/2024 - 08:48

MuGIPS: Multidimensional Gender Inequality Perception Scale

From the Mind, Brain, and Behavior Research Center at the University of Granada, researchers Sofía Schwartz-Salazar, Rocío Martínez, and Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón, in collaboration with researcher Efraín García Sánchez (Stanford University), have developed a new psychosocial instrument to assess the perception of gender inequality, called MuGIPS (Multidimensional Gender Inequality Perception Scale).

Gender Transparency Chart
Thu, 06/06/2024 - 08:58

Standardized Approach to Measuring Gender Transparency in Languages

A researcher from CIMCYC, in collaboration with researchers from Goethe University Frankfurt, the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the University of Minho, has created a detailed standard description of the factors that contribute to gender transparency, as well as a model that allows for its quantification and, therefore, the making of specific predictions regarding the acquisition, representation, and processing of gender.

Gears of Brain Function
Tue, 05/21/2024 - 10:47

Exploring Errors in Perception Through Brain Dynamics

This study highlights that visual perception is not limited to a single cognitive process and can fail or be altered for various reasons. Identifying these failures in perceptual processes could improve the quality of life for these patients.

Comparative Analysis of Orgasm Experiences in Sexual Intercourse or masturbation
Tue, 05/21/2024 - 10:43

Qualitative Evidence of the Orgasm Experience

This study provides qualitative evidence for the study of the subjective experience of orgasm and confirms the semantic composition of the ORS. On the other hand, the similarity between both contexts is consistent with previous quantitative evidence: the prominence of the affective dimension when describing the orgasmic experience in both contexts and the significant presence of the reward dimension in the context of masturbation.

Pint of Science logo
Wed, 05/08/2024 - 10:48

CIMCYC researchers at Pint of Science

The Pint of Science festival in Granada, which will take place from May 13th to 15th, will feature the participation of two CIMCYC researchers.

Wed, 05/08/2024 - 10:51

PsychoBeers returns with success

Over 200 people enjoyed a day of science and fun as the PsychoBeers outreach activity returns.

Edificio centro CIMCYC
Fri, 05/03/2024 - 13:26

Job Offer: Project Manager

Como parte de la estrategia como Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu (resolución provisional de 21/03/2024), el CIMCYC comienza a buscar talento para unirse al centro.