
Entrada al centro CIMCYC
Wed, 09/04/2024 - 09:33

Job Offer: Neuroimaging Data Analyst

As part of the strategic plan linked to the "María de Maeztu" Seal of Excellence award, CIMCYC is recruiting a staff scientist to support advanced neuroimaging data analyses of research projects carried out at the center.

Terraza del centro CIMCYC
Wed, 09/04/2024 - 09:49

Job Offer: Responsible for Science Outreach and Transfer

The hired person will be in charge of designing, promoting and managing scientific culture projects associated with CIMCYC's research lines, with the aim of giving greater visibility and impact to the research activity carried out at the center. This role will focus on the transfer of the research carried out at CIMCYC to the social and industrial areas.

Authors of the study
Mon, 06/17/2024 - 08:48

MuGIPS: Multidimensional Gender Inequality Perception Scale

From the Mind, Brain, and Behavior Research Center at the University of Granada, researchers Sofía Schwartz-Salazar, Rocío Martínez, and Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón, in collaboration with researcher Efraín García Sánchez (Stanford University), have developed a new psychosocial instrument to assess the perception of gender inequality, called MuGIPS (Multidimensional Gender Inequality Perception Scale).

Gender Transparency Chart
Thu, 06/06/2024 - 08:58

Standardized Approach to Measuring Gender Transparency in Languages

A researcher from CIMCYC, in collaboration with researchers from Goethe University Frankfurt, the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the University of Minho, has created a detailed standard description of the factors that contribute to gender transparency, as well as a model that allows for its quantification and, therefore, the making of specific predictions regarding the acquisition, representation, and processing of gender.