
¿Se extiende el tiempo asimétricamente hacia el pasado y el futuro?
Mon, 04/25/2022 - 14:42

Does time extend asymmetrically into the past and the future?

Algunos estudios han sugerido la existencia de una asimetría futura y han explicado que la razón de ello es que caminamos hacia delante. Cuando caminamos, las cosas que están delante de nosotros son las cosas futuras, mientras que vamos dejando atrás las pasadas. Así, al caminar podríamos sentir que cada vez nos acercamos más al futuro y dejamos atrás el pasado. En definitiva, haciéndonos percibir el futuro como si fuera más cercano a nosotros que el pasado.

Mindfulness en la salud sexual y bienestar psicológico de profesionales y cuidadores/as de personas en riesgo de exclusión social  El término mindfulness hace referencia a la atención o conciencia plena. La capacidad de tomar conciencia del aquí y el ahora en el momento presente, dirigiendo la atención a un evento interno o externo actual.  Laura C. Sánchez Sánchez, investigadora del CIMCYC, ha estudiado el efecto de un programa de Mindfulness (MBSR) en la salud sexual y bienestar psicológico de profesional
Mon, 04/18/2022 - 13:24

Mindfulness in the sexual health and psychological well-being of professionals

The term mindfulness refers to the ability to become aware of the here and now in the present moment, directing attention to a current internal or external event.
Laura C. Sánchez Sánchez, researcher at CIMCYC, has studied the effect of a Mindfulness-based program (MBSR) on the sexual health and psychological well-being of professionals and volunteers of Doctors of the World (the spanish no-gubernamental organization “Médicos del Mundo”) who take care of vulnerable populations, such as people in prostitution, women victims of forced prostitution, people with the human immunodeficiency virus, etc. This program was chosen because working with sex education for these vulnerable groups of people requires empathy, full awareness and compassion.

Exercise addiction: what is known and what is yet to be known
Mon, 04/18/2022 - 13:26

Exercise addiction: what is known and what is yet to be known

Exercise addiction involves excessive worry about exercise routines, abusive practice and the inability to control one's own behavior, as well as the presence of psychological processes that are typical of addictive behaviors such as withdrawal or obsession.

10 sencillas reglas para fomentar laboratorios de investigación saludables
Fri, 04/01/2022 - 11:24

Ten simple rules towards healthier research labs

The CIMCYC is carrying out a series of actions to improve the working environment in the center. Within these, Isabel Peralta, who collaborates from the Psychology Clinic with Humbelina Robles and Juan Manuel Quesada in activities to improve the wellbeing of doctoral students, has shared useful information for all CIMCYC research staff.

Efectos del consumo crónico de alcohol en la estructura cerebral
Thu, 03/31/2022 - 13:07

Effect chronic alcohol consumption on brain structure in males without familiar history alcoholism

The damage to brain structure caused by chronic alcohol consumption has been extensively studied. However, most previous research has not taken into account the presence of family history of alcoholism (FHA), which can change behavior and brain morphology. This variable is a risk factor in the development of this addiction. Because of this, the results of neuroimaging studies with people with alcohol use disorder are relatively inconsistent.

Economic inequality increases the preference for status consumption
Tue, 03/29/2022 - 10:39

Economic inequality increases the preference for status consumption

Prior research has shown the relationship between objective economic inequality and searching for positional goods. It also investigated the relationship between social class and low income with conspicuous consumption. However, the causal relationship between economic inequality (the difference in wealth between individuals and groups living in a shared context and consumer behavior) has been less explored. Furthermore, there are also few studies looking for the psychological mechanisms that underlie these effects.

How do heterosexual men and women rate their orgasms
Fri, 03/25/2022 - 12:32

How do heterosexual men and women rate their orgasms in a relational context?

La experiencia del orgasmo se refiere a la autoevaluación psicológica del orgasmo. Ninguna investigación previa ha comparado las características de la experiencia del orgasmo entre hombres y mujeres creando un ranking de los adjetivos que mejor la representan. Ana Arcos y Juan Carlos Sierra, miembros del CIMCYC, han realizado está investigación cuyo objetivo principal fue analizar las diferencias de género en la experiencia global del orgasmo, sus dimensiones y sus palabras descriptivas para examinar cómo las personas heterosexuales califican sus orgasmos.

Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant women
Mon, 03/28/2022 - 11:20

Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant women

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic began. According to previous studies, this situation may have contributed to the increase in stress, anxiety or depression levels. A particularly vulnerable group is that of pregnant women. In fact, during pregnancy, it is more likely to experience an increase in mental disorders.

Hazard prediction in relation to spatial orientation and driving experience
Tue, 03/22/2022 - 11:38

Hazard prediction in relation to spatial orientation and driving experience

In the laboratory, when studying attentional orienting, both valid and invalid attentional cues are used: valid ones direct attention to a place where something relevant will occur. Invalids occur at a place where nothing relevant will happen. In general, performance improves when valid rather than invalid cues are presented. This work is novel because it explores the effects of attentional capture and driving experience in everyday situations while participants perform a hazard prediction task.