Seminario Pia Rotshtein. “It is all about me: Studying the self in cognition"

Lun, 20/05/2019 - 13:43
Estudiante de espaldas saliendo a la calle a través de la puerta central del edificio Politécnico con detalle de vinilos de la ETS de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos

Seminario Pia Rotshtein. University of Birmingham UK 28 de Mayo. 12.30h - Aula Magna de Psicología Title: “It is all about me: Studying the self in cognition »

Seminario Pia Rotshtein. University of Birmingham UK

Fecha: 28 de Mayo. 12.30h

Lugar: Aula Magna de Psicología

Title: “It is all about me: Studying the self in cognition »

Abstract: The self is a social construct. Processing of information related to the self is prioritise, both in perception and memory. This is demonstrated in experiments that used self-name, self-face and also for newly learned associations. For example, when participants learn to associate themselves to a green triangle and a friend to a blue circle, the green triangle is processed faster. The prioritization of the green triangle is facilitated by activation in ventral medial prefrontal and superior temporal sulcus network, while responses of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex increase when there is a need to attend other stimuli that are not related to the self.