Workshops@BCI Meeting 2016

Lun, 18/04/2016 - 08:28
Estudiante de espaldas saliendo a la calle a través de la puerta central del edificio Politécnico con detalle de vinilos de la ETS de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos

* recoveriX and mindBEAGLE workshop - May 30th, 2016 * BCIs for stroke rehabilitation - June 1st, 2016 * BCIs for assessment of locked-in and DOC patients - June 2nd, 2016 *

Workshops @BCI Meeting 2016 by g.tec

recoveriX and mindBEAGLE workshop MON May 30th, 2016 in Evergreen Room This workshop will show motor recovery based on neurotechnology and consciousness assessment and communication systems and the high impact on stroke and coma patients. Read more:

BCIs for stroke rehabilitation WED June 1st, 2016, 9:00-12:00 Lately, BCI systems are increasingly used in the context of stroke rehabilitation. The workshop will review current stroke rehabilitation programs from different research. Read more:

BCIs for assessment of locked-in and DOC patients THU June 2nd, 2016, 9:00-12:00 The workshop will provide an overview of groups that aim to use BCI technology to identify non-responsive patients that might be able to communicate and use the technology as an assessment tool. Read more: