
Benefits of instrumental musical training in childhood and adolescence
Mon, 02/21/2022 - 13:40

Benefits of instrumental musical training in childhood and adolescence

An extensive literature has investigated the impact of musical training on cognitive skills and academic achievement in children and adolescents. However, most of the studies have relied on cross-sectional designs, which makes it impossible to elucidate whether the observed differences are a consequence of the engagement in musical activities. Previous meta-analyses with longitudinal studies have also found inconsistent results, possibly due to their reliance on vague definitions of musical training. In addition, more evidence has appeared in recent years.

The abusives men’s brain mechanisms
Thu, 02/03/2022 - 14:18

The brain of abusive men

Agar Marín Morales, a researcher at the CIMCYC, has studied the neuroscientific variables that can influence gender violence, in order to expand knowledge about this phenomenon and help reduce its prevalence and recurrence.

Neurodevelopment of children in Cuba
Thu, 02/03/2022 - 14:44

IResearchers from the UGR work on a project that assesses the neurodevelopment of children in Cuba

A group of researchers from the University of Granada are working on the project "Evaluation of Neurodevelopment in Cuban children from 6 to 18 years old by means of the Infant Computerized Neuropsychological Evaluation Battery (BENCI)". María Nieves Pérez Marfil and Francisco Cruz Quintana, researchers at the CIMCYC, participate in this project.

Sergio Moreno-Ríos Signalling Three-Way Intersections
Fri, 02/04/2022 - 10:16

Drivers process mandatory signs faster than prohibition signs at three-way intersections

Sergio Moreno-Ríos, a researcher at CIMCYC, is one of the authors of the article Signalling Three-Way Intersections: Is Redundancy Better Than Only Mandatory or Prohibitory Signs? published in Frontiers In Psychology journal. The paper reports a study that investigates what could be the best traffic signs to signal a three-way intersection based on the decision speed of the drivers.