
Estudiantes del programa de captación de talentos
Mon, 07/17/2023 - 14:37

Talent recruitment for undergraduate students at CIMCYC

Thanks to the talent recruitment program promoted by the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of Granada, ten undergraduate students have been selected to carry out a stay at CIMCYC throughout the month of July. The students, from different Spanish universities, have been received at our center to learn about its facilities and the activities carried out in the laboratories. Each student has been assigned a different laboratory according to their preferences. Some of the activities and workshops include visits to laboratories and weekly group meetings, a workshop on the collection and pre-processing of electroencephalography data and magnetic resonance imaging, the demonstration of psychophysiological data collection in shock threat paradigms and the demonstration and application of EEG, fMRI, and TMS neuroimaging analysis, among other activities included in this training period. This initiative aims to promote the dissemination of research in Psychology and Neuroscience to students from other universities and to publicize the research lines carried out at CIMCYC as well as their main implications. We wish them all the best in their professional future and thank them for visiting our center at this important stage in their training.

Authors of the publication
Tue, 09/19/2023 - 11:02

Does economic inequality increase status anxiety?

The economic inequality affects our quality of life. This study investigated the relationship between economic inequality and status anxiety, highlighting that the effects of economic inequality depend on the perception of economic inequality.

Drawing depicting the silhouette of a woman and eyes watching her
Tue, 06/27/2023 - 20:53

Does the digital environment evoke anxiety cycles in romantic relationships?

The main results of an investigation carried out by CIMCYC researchers indicate that people with high anxious attachment to a partner-characterized by a constant need for reciprocity, closeness and intimacy, as well as by a fear of abandonment-more frequently engage in cyberabusive behaviors in their relationships. Such behaviors include cybercontrol behaviors, aimed at controlling and monitoring the partner through digital media (e.g., monitoring their whereabouts, accessing their personal accounts or checking their cell phone without their consent) and explicit manifestations of direct cyberaggression, which intentionality involves inflicting harm (e.g., insulting the partner, threatening or humiliating them through technologies). Furthermore, the findings provide a plausible explanation for the relationship between anxious attachment and partner cyberbullying perpetration. Furthermore, the findings provide a plausible explanation for the relationship between anxious attachment and the perpetration of partner cyber monitoring. Specifically, the results indicated that individuals with anxious attachment engage in more electronic monitoring of the partner in social networks, i.e., they tend to check their online activity for information (e.g., they pay attention to updates on the partner's profile, view the photos they posts, or read the comments they receives from other users). This online habit, rather than alleviating concerns about the relationship, seems to elicit high levels of romantic jealousy; that is, negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity that are experienced as a result of perceiving a threat, real or imagined, to the romantic relationship.

The image shows a researcher using TMS to stimulate the cerebral cortex of a participant.
Wed, 06/07/2023 - 12:27

Attending in time and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

A recent study conducted by CIMCYC researchers in collaboration with researchers from the Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier and the CNRS in Marseille (France) has shown that the ability to orient attention in time is not affected when the activity of the left intraparietal sulcus is perturbed by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

Puerta de la entrada principal del Hospital Real
Tue, 06/06/2023 - 11:23

The UGR University Ombudsman visit the CIMCYC

Next Monday, June 12 at 12, Prof. Antonio Ángel Ruiz, the University Ombudsman, will come to CIMCYC to give a talk entitled "Guarantee Bodies in the UGR and the University Ombudsman".

The meeting will take place in Conference Room 1.

Terraza del centro CIMCYC
Tue, 06/06/2023 - 11:11


Are you an undergraduate student with interest in pursuing a research career? Spend a month this July at the CIMCYC!

Tue, 06/06/2023 - 08:34

Bilingualism and Memory

Effects of bilingualism on memory: How does the language we use affect the recall of future intentions?

CIMCYC women researchers
Tue, 06/06/2023 - 08:25

CIMCYC at Desgranando Ciencia

Three CIMCYC researchers participated in the 2023 edition of the Desgranando Ciencia festival.