Enlaces Landing Basic mechanisms of emotional regulation in gambling behaviour Mechanism underlaying the process of comparison in perptual learning. Inflexibilidad cognitiva, disfunción ejecutiva y desregulación emocional: Su im… Comportamiento de riesgo, impulsividad y toma de decisiones ante eventos catast… Neuromodulation of executive vigilance via transcranial direct current stimulat… Development of brain electrophysiological activity in relation to the emergence… Tipos de movilidad social y mantenimiento de la desigualdad. Attitudes towards women in the context of video games Metacognitive processes in bililgual second language learners Neural Mechanisms of Preparation in Expectation and Selective Attention Control of attentional capture and distraction: The role of relevance of distra… Atribuciones sobre la pobreza. Antecedentes y consecuencias sobre las actitudes… Economic Inequality and Social Change: The role of wealth-based indentities Enlaces Landing Understanding self-awareness in activities of dairly living. Alterations after … The relationship between attention and consciousness: The brain-body dynamic. Analysis of Cyber Violence in Couples from a gender perspective Dimensional Perspective in ADHD Neurodevelopment as a Foundation for Translatio… Perception of gender violence and its influence on risk assessment and decision… Social attention following gaze direction: Underlying mechanism, development an… Procesamiento prospectivo en bilingües. Desigualdad económica y actitudes hacia la democracia The potencial cognitive beneficts of musical training from childhood to healthy… Cognitive and neural mechanism of social attention: Studying qualitative differ… Procesado avanzado de señales de electroencefalografía y resonancia magnética e… Impact of culture on neurodevelopment. Time conceptualization across cultures and religions. Mecanismos cognitivos y motivacionales de la confianza en liderazgos políticos … Modulatory factors of grammar learning in second and third lenguages Relación del doble estándar sexual con la satisfacción y la excitación sexual. Compartir en