Envío de propuestas para el VIII Simposio de la Asociación de Motivación y Emoción
El VIII Simposio de la AME se celebrará en Granada del 15 al 17 de mayo de 2014. El plazo para enviar resúmenes de contribuciones acaba el 15 de febrero.
El VIII Simposio de la AME se celebrará en Granada del 15 al 17 de mayo de 2014. El plazo para enviar resúmenes de contribuciones acaba el 15 de febrero.
Specific challenge: This initiative addresses the interdisciplinary fundamentals of knowing, thinking, doing and being, in close synergy with foundational research on future artificial cognitive systems, robots, smart artefacts and large scale cyber-physical systems. It aims at renewing ties between the different disciplines studying knowledge (especially beyond the 'declarative' and static action oriented kind of knowledge), cognition (e.g., perception, understanding, learning, action) and related issues (e.g., embodiment, thinking, development, insight, knowledge as a social construct, identity, responsibility, culture…) from various perspectives (e.g., physical, biological, neuronal, behavioural, social, epistemological, ecological). The aim is to enable new synergies with engineering disciplines on smart and self-organising materials, embedded systems, robotics, hybrid systems or smart infrastructures and cities to take artificial cognitive systems beyond the level of dull task execution or repetitive pr
We invite applications from PhD students, post-doc and young researchers to attend the Summer School on “Shared Experiences : the boundaries of the social brain”, organized by Manos Tsakiris (Royal Holloway), Ophelia Deroy & Barry Smith ( Centre for the Study of the Senses & Institute of Philosophy, UoL, UK).
The Summer School will take place in the Island of Aegina, Greece (approximately 1 hour by boat from Piraeus, the port of Athens), at the wonderful location of the historic Hotel Apollo, from June 22nd to 28th , 2014.
Dr. Maiche, actualmente realizando una estancia en CIMCYC.
George Houghton (Bangor University, http://www.bangor.ac.uk/psychology/people/profiles/george_houghton.php.en).