Curso de Luiz Pessoa: Building a cognitive-emotional brain - 19-21.03.2019 CIMCYC

Thu, 02/21/2019 - 08:48
Salón de actos vacío de la Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte

Gracias al programa de “Visiting Scholars” del Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la UGR, Luiz Pessoa ( visitará el CIMCYC el próximo mes de marzo. Dentro de esta visita, los días 19, 20 y 21 de marzo, de 11 a 13 hrs en la Sala de Conferencias 2 del CIMCYC, impartirá el curso titulado “Building a cognitive-emotional brain”.

Gracias al programa de “Visiting Scholars” del Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la UGR, Luiz Pessoa ( visitará el CIMCYC el próximo mes de marzo. Dentro de esta visita, los días 19, 20 y 21 de marzo, de 11 a 13 hrs en la Sala de Conferencias 2 del CIMCYC, impartirá el curso titulado “Building a cognitive-emotional brain”.

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Prof. Luiz Pessoa

Psychology Dept. & Maryland Neuroimaging Center

University of Maryland, USA

The objective of this 3-lecture course is to give students an introduction to the brain from the perspective of network science. In this framework, the brain is viewed not as composed of brain areas but of multi-region circuits that are dynamically recruited to solve behavioral problems. Starting from circuits that help an animal avoid threat and seek rewards, the course explores how multiple regions are necessary to confer behavioral flexibility that promotes survival of the individual and species. After describing brain regions that have been historically linked to processes such as emotion, motivation, and cognition, the course describes how multi-region circuits are assembled. In doing so, a useful framework is that of “complex systems” in which collective behaviors are understood as “emergent properties” of the interactions of multiple system parts.


Martes 19 de marzo, 11-13 hrs

Lecture 1: What is the brain about?

· Building simple defenses and seeking rewards

· Is the brain made up of brain areas?

Miércoles 20 de marzo, 11-13 hrs

Lecture 2: Emotion, motivation, and cognition

· Emotion and motivation

· Cognition

Jueves 21 de marzo, 11-13 hrs

Lecture 3: Putting things together

· Complex systems

· Networks

· Large-scale subcortical-cortical functional systems and complex behaviors