The following documents include instructions and requirements (in Spanish) to request membership of the CIMCYC Ficheros Criterios de adscripción y procedimiento Modelo Aval Consejo de Dpto..docx Modelo Aval Miembro de Instituto.docx Modelo Aval Tutor-a alumno-a.docx Solicitud para la incorporación al CIMCYC.doc Solicitud transformación miembros temporales a permanentes CIMCYC.doc Attach documents Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.10 MB limit.Allowed types: gif jpg png bmp eps tif pict psd txt rtf html odf pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml avi mov mp3 ogg wav bz2 dmg gz jar rar sit svg tar zip. Information on data protection: Controller: University of Granada Legal basis: University of Granada is entitled to process your data under the provisions of Article 6.1.of the GDPR. Purpose: Manage your request. Recipients: No comunications foreseen. Rights: Access, object, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability. Additional information Share this