
Luis Cásedas ECSA
Wed, 10/26/2022 - 09:22

UGR researcher Luis Cásedas receives the Early Career Scientific Award from AMRA

Luis Cásedas Alcaide, researcher at the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC) and the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Granada (UGR), has received the Early Career Scientist Award (ECSA) of the American Mindfulness Research Association for best emerging researcher of 2022 in this field of research.

Movimiento aparente
Tue, 09/27/2022 - 08:43

European Researchers' Night - Friday 30th September

One more year, cities all over Europe celebrate the European Researchers' Night at the end of September. This year the event will take place on Friday 30th September, and in Granada it will be held at the Paseo del Salón with activities from early afternoon until late at night.

¿Qué dice la ciencia de los beneficios del 'mindfulness' sobre el rendimiento académico?
Thu, 09/15/2022 - 10:04

Interview to Daniel Sanabria on Magisnet

Saray Marques, a journalist for Magisnet magazine, has interviewed Professor Daniel Sanabria, a researcher at CIMCYC. Daniel has contributed his vision on a topical issue: the supposed benefits of practices such as mindfulness, playing an instrument, playing chess, or physical exercise on the cognitive and academic performance of children and adolescents

Estimulación cerebral e implicación de la corteza motora en la comprensión
Fri, 09/09/2022 - 13:17

Brain stimulation and motor cortex involvement in language comprehension.

According to the embodiment theory, processing language that refers to motor actions (e.g., verbs such as "grasp" or "step") recruits the activity of brain regions involved in controlling different parts of the body (hands, feet...). This idea has gained support from a multitude of studies, especially in recent years those using brain stimulation techniques such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) or Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). Recently, CIMCYC researchers Pablo Solana and Julio Santiago have evaluated the reliability of this literature through a meta-analytical study published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.

El cerebro en “flow”: una revisión sistemática sobre las bases neurales del estado de “flow”
Tue, 07/12/2022 - 13:35

The brain in flow: a systematic review on the neural basis of the flow state

The flow state is a subjective experience that people report when task performance is experienced as automatic, effortless and intrinsically rewarding. Clara Alameda, Daniel Sanabria and Luis F. Ciria, researchers at CIMCYC, have conducted a systematic review on the neural basis of this phenomenon.

Las tres caras de la violencia de pareja
Thu, 07/07/2022 - 12:55

The three faces of intimate partner violence against women seen from the neuroimaging studies

This study led by researchers from the University of Extremadura, with the collaboration of researcher Juan Verdejo Román, from CIMCYC, analyzed neuroimaging studies that have examined the functioning and brain structure of the three faces of gender violence: the brain characteristics of male abusers, as well as the brain sequelae in women and children who are victims of this type of violence.

¿Es la "experiencia del yo" realmente un concepto transdiagnóstico?
Thu, 07/07/2022 - 12:50

Is "self- experience" really a transdiagnostic concept?

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) offers a transdiagnostic conception of the formation of the "self" and the appearance of a diversity of psychological problems based on radical behaviorism.

Percepción del riesgo de las mujeres y respuestas a la coerción sexual de la pareja
Wed, 06/29/2022 - 12:43

Women's Risk Perception and Responses to Intimate Partner Sexual Coercion

Sexual coercion is among the subtlest forms of sexual violence in a relationship and sometimes goes unnoticed by the victims. This study, conducted by Marta Garrido-Macías of the University of Alicante and Inmaculada Valor-Segura and Francisca Expósito, researchers at CIMCYC, analyzed the factors that potentially mitigate women's negative perceptions of intimate partner sexual coercion (IPSC)

¿Están los roles de género asociados con el bienestar?
Wed, 06/15/2022 - 11:26

Are gender roles associated with well-being indicators?

Gender roles operate as a social scheme through which people learn how they should behave. These behaviors or decisions are legitimized by society, especially in women, since if they deviate from their traditional gender roles, they could be socially sanctioned.