Members of the CIMCYC celebrate the day of Andalusia and the patron saint of Psychology

Fri, 03/04/2022 - 09:26
Members of the CIMCYC celebrate the day of Andalusia and the patron saint of Psychology

Members of the CIMCYC celebrate the day of Andalusia and the patron saint of Psychology


The CIMCYC doctoral students have organized a classic Andalusian breakfast, offering oil toasts, coffee and chocolate milkshakes, on the occasion of the Andalusia Day, which takes place on 28th of February


The doctoral students have been in charge of bringing everything necessary for breakfast such as bread and milkshakes. The event took place at the CIMCYC entrance to shelter from the rain, and it was a great opportunity for all the members of the center to gather together.


In addition, today, 24th of February, the patron of Psychology Juan Huarte San Juan is celebrated. He was one of the outstanding figures in the development and subsequent origin of Psychology in our country.