CIMCYC returns to the European Researchers' Night

Mon, 09/30/2024 - 09:46
CIMCYC's Booth at the 2023 European Researchers' Night

The Mind, Brain, and Behavior Research Center will participate in the European Researchers' Night celebration next Friday, September 27, 2024, at Paseo del Salón.

This science outreach event is part of the ‘Open Researchers 2024-25’ initiative and offers a variety of innovative activities, such as experiments, workshops, talks, and monologues, for researchers to share their work with the public in a rigorous yet fun way. The goal is for the public to learn firsthand about the benefits and impact of research on everyday life. The 2024 edition will once again focus on the Horizon Europe Missions.

CIMCYC will return to Paseo del Salón with an interactive booth where a wide range of activities will be held to bring research in Psychology and related disciplines closer to all audiences in an enjoyable and accessible manner. In the morning, educational activities will be offered for schools, and in the afternoon, interactive workshops and micro-meetings will be open to the general public.

**Activities for educational centers:**


2 simultaneous workshops
- Atenxia, a dinosaur video game to improve literacy and attention in humans
- TechnoLife - Between Apps and Tasks: Technology in everyday life


2 simultaneous workshops
- Weaving memories: how we weave our memory to remember and create ideas
- How do multiple languages coexist in the brain?


- Discovering how sleep and physical exercise transform your brain


- Neurosexism: what it is and how to combat it from neuroscience

**Activities for the general public:**


- Is willpower the key to understanding our relationship with food?


- INVENTAWORDS: Technology to teach reading and intervene in reading difficulties in a personalized and inclusive way


2 simultaneous workshops
- LabSex UGR: Studying sexual arousal through virtual reality environments
- Exploring the nervous system: from animal models to real life


2 simultaneous workshops
- Perceiving predictions: A journey through mental illusions
- Cognition in the kitchen


- Emotions through the body and mind


- I suspect my friend or daughter is in an abusive relationship: How can I help?


- Can machines acquire consciousness?

The European Researchers' Night gives us the opportunity to discover the human side of science through direct contact with experts. We encourage you to visit our stand on September 27 to learn more about the research on the mind, brain, and behavior carried out at our center.

From CIMCYC, we invite the entire community to join this event, which promises to be an enriching and educational experience, demonstrating the importance of scientific research and its impact on our society. Don’t miss it!

This activity is part of the grant CEX2023-001312-M, funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and the grant UCE-PP2023-11, funded by UGR.