Gender-based violence (GBV) represents a public health issue and social responsibility that requires consideration of multiple factors. In this regard, from the Mind, Brain, and Behavior Research Center at the University of Granada (UGR), members of the Social and Gender Psychology Laboratory ([https://www.pps-ugr.es/labs/psicologia-social-y-genero/](https://www.pps-ugr.es/labs/psicologia-social-y-genero/)) within the Psychology of Social Problems group (HUM-289) have conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on this issue.
Specifically, the objective of the research was to understand and synthesize the available empirical information regarding the perception of the severity of GBV by different individuals (e.g., victims, perpetrators, the general population) and its relationship with attitudes towards GBV. Additionally, they analyzed gender differences in the perception of the severity of GBV.
The results obtained from 27 published studies on this topic showed that men perceived GBV as less severe than women did. Furthermore, it was found that a lower perception of the severity of GBV is related to more favorable attitudes towards it. The main favorable attitudes towards GBV identified were sexism, traditional gender roles, victim-blaming, justification of the perpetrator's behaviors, and acceptance of rape myths.
In conclusion, the findings highlight the need to raise public awareness regarding the severity of GBV for the health and integrity of women. Therefore, it will be essential to educate on gender equality, thereby impacting the perceptions and attitudes of the population towards this issue.
Reference: Badenes-Sastre, M., Spencer, C., Alonso-Ferres, M., Lorente, M., & Expósito, F. (2024). How severity of intimate partner violence is perceived and related to attitudinal variables? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 76, 101925. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2024.101925
Contact Researchers:
Marta Badenes Sastre (mbsastre@ugr.es)
Francisca Expósito Jiménez (fexposit@ugr.es)