CIMCYC is in luck! Marta Reyes Sánchez has won the 3 minutes thesis contest of the University of Granada. As if this honor were not enough, Sofía Schwartz Salazar won the public prize in this contest. In addition, Raquel Lezama Cantero and José María González Peñalver also had a stellar participation in the final of this edition. Undoubtedly, they have been great representatives of the research carried out in our center and have managed to disseminate the importance of the studies carried out in Psychology and Neuroscience.
If you want to see their participation in the contest, you can enter the following links:
Marta Reyes Sánchez (Winner of the Thesis in 3 minutes contest, 2023 edition).
Sofía Schwartz Salazar (Audience Award, Thesis in 3 minutes contest, 2023 edition).