Can we influence the neurodevelopment and capillary cortisol concentration of the offspring by reducing maternal stress during pregnancy?
From the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center of the University of Granada (UGR), a team of researchers from to the Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychoneuroimmunology (PNinsula) group (CTS-581) has carried out a study entitled "Can we influence the neurological development and hair cortisol concentration of offspring by reducing the stress of the mother during pregnancy? A randomized controlled trial," published in the journal "Stress and Health."
This study focused on exploring whether reducing maternal stress during pregnancy could influence neurodevelopmental and hair cortisol levels in offspring. To address this question, a randomized controlled trial was conducted in which a psychological intervention program was implemented to reduce maternal stress during pregnancy. Subsequently, the neurodevelopment of the infants and their hair cortisol concentrations were assessed when they reached 6 months of age.
The results showed that women who reduced their stress during pregnancy through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy had children with better neurodevelopmental scores at six months. These researchers had demonstrated in different previous studies that stress during pregnancy not only has consequences in the gestation process, but can have an important impact on the development of the children, as well as on the concentration of cortisol in their hair.
This study takes another leap forward in research, providing evidence that reducing psychological stress during pregnancy may have significant benefits for the development and health of offspring, underscoring the importance of addressing the emotional well-being of mothers during this crucial stage of life.
In summary, this research offers a rigorous scientific approach to understanding how a mother's experiences of stress may impact her children and the importance of psychological approaches to stress management.
Puertas‐Gonzalez, J. A., Romero‐Gonzalez, B., Mariño‐Narvaez, C., Gonzalez‐Perez, R., Sosa‐Sanchez, I. O., & Peralta‐Ramirez, M. I. (2023). Can we influence the neurological development and hair cortisol concentration of offspring by reducing the stress of the mother during pregnancy? A randomized controlled trial. Stress and Health, 39(4), 753-765. DOI: 10.1002/smi.3222
María Isabel Peralta Ramírez (mperalta@ugr.es)
José Antonio Puertas González (puertasjose@ugr.es)
Carolina Mariño Narváez (caromarinar1@gmail.com)
Borja Romero González (@email)